So You Have to Create an ISO 45001:2018 OHS System ….. From Scratch
Are You Struggling with Where to Start?

  • What the heck are our options to fulfill these new requirements?
  • Would you like to look in your crystal ball to see what an ISO auditor would say about your plans?
  • What if you had a full day to not only get education about the new standard but also to ask specific questions about your system and get feedback?
  • Would that help you to get unstuck?

If you answered yes—then our one-day training and mentoring event may be just the ticket for you!

One Day ISO 45001 Training and Mentoring Event at Your Location

Designed to help you get focus on the design of your ISO 45001:2018 OHS MS.  ECS Audit and Compliance Services LLC is offering a one-day course presented at your location specifically focused on giving you the tools you need to create a value-added ISO 45001:2018 OHS Management System.

The course includes training materials and OHS system tools that will help you jump start the implementation of ISO 45001.

Course cost: $2400 for up to 6 people (plus travel where applicable)

Trainer: Jennifer James Koenig, CHMM, ISO 45001:2018 certificated auditor (through Exemplar Global)

To reserve call (812) 945-1541 or email